Purchase Order Valuations allows you to track the current delivery status of subcontractors work with the possibility of maintaining the acceptance process for every individual valuation.
If you decide to work with this module, in the first step you must check if Valuation is enabled for chosen Purchase Order. To do so, check on PO Preview if Valuation is available.
If it doesn't, please Edit the PO and change the right option inside the settings (Scroll down to Valuation drop-down and select Enabled). This setting can be pre-defined as global on your Archdesk Account.
In the next step, please go to Valuation. If you work with Retention, you can specify its rate by Options -> Set Retention. You can use the common Rate for all items, or specify it per Cost Category.
In order to set Retention per Cost Category, please select the Set different retention for cost categories, choose the right Cost Category from the drop-down list, and confirm it by hitting SAVE.
To provide the subcontractor with the spreadsheet to be filled, please use the File -> Send via E-mail. Check the data inside the e-mail and hit SEND.
The subcontractor will receive the e-mail with the Excel template attached,
and the link to upload it.
Excel Spreadsheet will contain the whole specification of the job with Contracted Quantity and Total Contracted Price. If there's already existing valuation, it will also include Previously Delivered Quantity.
The subcontractor should fill in the quantity in the column Currently Delivered Quantity. The columns Remaining Quantity, Completion, and Payment for the Current Period will be automatically calculated based on the introduced data.
He just needs to fulfil the file, choose it and hit SUBMIT.
Once they do so, you will see a new Valuation directly in the system saved as a draft.
All new Purchase Order Valuations can be tracked on a dedicated dashboard. If necessary, you can even receive a custom e-mail notification set by Implementation Team.
If you don't want to provide the subcontractor with the excel spreadsheet, you can also fill it in by yourself. Please download the template on Export -> Export Excel Valuation and fill the data in.
In the next step please upload this file by ADD VALUATION REPORT.
For the second and next reports use File -> Import Valuation.
After the import, the window with the valuation summary will pop up. You can check the correctness of the data and if any item is missing re-import the new version by File -> Import. If you want to dismiss this Valuation, please use File -> Remove.
In the other case, you can progress it out from the Draft and finally approve.
When the first valuation is completed and the whole Purchase Order isn't delivered yet, you can run the next valuation by the same procedure as before. The next valuation will automatically calculate the Remaining Quantity based on the delivered values.
You can track all ongoing valuations on the dashboard Purchasing.
All valuations within specific Purchase Order are visible on Valuations within that PO. The system will also point out Delivered and Invoiced Values.
On the other hand, when you want to check the currently delivered quantity for particular items, please move to Preview.
If you would like to make any changes to the Purchase Order Valuation Approval Process, E-mail Templates, or User Dashboards, please reach us at support@archdesk.com.
If you would like to learn more about Archdesk Tendering Module, please read the Tendering Module Guide. If you still have any question, please contact us at support@archdesk.com