- Stock Categories and Sub-Categories
- Adding Items to the Stock
- Locations
- Editing items in Stock
- Adding items to Quote
- Adding items to Purchase Orders (PO) by supplier
- Advanced: Formulas in Stock
Stock in Archdesk is a place where you can add all the items that you frequently use for you estimation process so that can select the items from the catalogue when creating your quote.
To effectively manage your stock you can start with organising your items into categories and sub-categories.
To create a stock category or sub-category, click on the + on the mini-menu on the left to the items list.
If you want to add a category type the name of the category and click save.
If you want to add a sub-category type the name of the sub-category and then in the "Type to select parent category" field start typing the name of the main category that you already have on the list (you need to type at least 2 letters to prompt the system to give you options to select from)
When you have the structure of your Categories and Sub-categories you can add items to the Stock. It doesn't matter where in the structure you are, you can always select the Category and Sub-category to where you want the item to be added.
⚠️Tip: A good practice is to go into the folder where you want to add the items to as then the risk for misplacing the items is lower as the system will automatically fill in the Category and Sub-category Fields.
In Archdesk you can add two types of items: Products and Sub-Products. To add an item to Stock, click on the plus icon in the bottom right corner and select the type.
Unless you have a reference numbers naming system in place, leave the reference field empty. The system will autogenerate that for you.
1. Type in the name for the product, add description if you'd like, unit name (pc, kg, each, meter, roll, pack etc.).
2. You can specify the buy and sell price for the items if it's relevant in your business.
3. Select the category (folder) where the item should be uploaded to.
4. If you wish, assign the supplier from which you are getting that item. Start typing their names and the system will give you the list of the suppliers.
5. You can also add custom inputs if there is more data you would like to add about the products you have in Stock.
6. Check the checkbox if you sell that particular item.
In the locations section you can create the locations of where your items are kept. Creating locations are optional. The instructions on how to add the items to the locations you will find in the Managing Stock part of this article.
Details Section
To edit an item in the stock, click on the item you have on the list and then again on the eye icon. The product's card will appear.
To edit the item's details click on the pencil icon in the bottom right corner. This is also where you can remove the product from Stock.
The shortcut to editing the item is to click on the item in Stock and click the pencil directly on the window that will pop-up .
Files Section
To add a photo onto the item in stock, you will need to upload the photo to the Files section within that product.

The product page will appear. On the left hand side menu you will see the Files section. Upload the picture. The first picture in this directory will be the picture that will show up in the stock.

Managing Stock & Stock Section
The Stock Section is where you will see the change log for your stock. To see the history of stock changes, go to the item in Stock and click on it. Then click on the box icon to develop the menu.
This is also where you can add stock, reserve stock, deduct stock and assign the location. To assign location click add stock on the drop down menu, and provided that you have created locations (see above), you will be able to select from them a dropdown menu.
To add items from Stock to your quote, open the quote and then go to one of the sections where you want to add the items to. In the bottom right corner you will find the plus icon. Click on it to develop a menu and select Item from Catalogue. The window with your stock will appear and you will be able to select items directly from there.
To add items to the purchase order, go to the Purchase Orders Section and create new Purchase order. Then in the Supplier Field, Click to select supplier. Select the supplier for which you are creating the PO and assign them to this Purchase Order. Start typing their name and the system will give you a list from your contacts.
Then to add items from that supplier click on the magnifying glass icon next to the product line field on the products list. The system will only show you the list of items from your Stock that are associated with that specific suppliers. You can uncheck the filter to show all the products in stock as well.
To add a formula to an item click on the item, then the eye icon, and then go to the Formulas section on the left hand-side menu that will appear . The formulas let you calculate the amount of a product that you will need to use for a certain job.
Example: A M2 of a wall uses 1M2 plaster board on each side, 2.5M stud and 25% of a bag skim. How to reflect that in Archdesk?