The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Framework defines an asset as follows: “An asset is a resource controlled by the enterprise as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the enterprise.”
Assets inside the company are likely to be listed in the company's balance sheet. The most common types of assets include:
- Land
- Buildings
- Vehicles
- Furniture
- Equipment
- Machinery
- Stock
Archdesk allows you to handle all those items from inside the system, through the Assets tab. The only type of Asset handled differently is the Stock - Here is more info on how you can use the Stock functionality in Archdesk.
The Assets tab can be found under the Company tab.
Here you can add the assets that you own but also the rentals.
How to add Assets Category
To add a new Asset Category click on Manage categories (inside the Assets menu), then click CREATE. Now, you can put the new Assets category's name and save it by CREATE button.
After that, a new category will be visible on the Assets preview.
How to add an Asset
Once you add the assets category, select it and then, click on the blue circled + and a new pop-up window will appear.
Reference - Leave empty to auto-generate - we can also customize this, so it would match the numbering system that you may have for your assets
Asset's Icon - by default, it is set up as a car, but you can click on it and you will have a drop-down of different types of asset icons to choose from
Name - here you can insert the name and specification of the asset - for example, Black VW Van - Plates WB XY 348
Category - here you can assign a new asset to the right category
Additional Inputs - here you can assign additional data like e.g. MOT Date, Service Date, or Owner.
To do that, please select the box next to the attribute you want to add to this asset and enter the data.
After you set up all the above and all data is entered into the system, all you have to do is click the CREATE button. The new asset will appear in the system.
🚨 Warning: Custom inputs must be pre-defined by the account Administrator by reaching out to the Archdesk Help Desk (either by Sending a Support Query from within the system or emailing the Help desk at )
How to edit an Asset
In order to edit an asset, position yourself on the asset you would like to edit and click on the 3 dots at the end of it.
It will open a pop-up window where you can edit:
- Reference number
- Type of Asset
- Name of Asset
- Category
or any other custom input that you may have added.
Once you have the modifications made, click on:
- SAVE button for the system to make the changes
- CANCEL button if you want to exit - without making changes
You can also edit an asset from inside the Asset Details (click on the asset and it will open up the Asset Details page - the far down corner will have a pencil icon > click on it and then Edit).
How to search for an Asset
Once located in the Company tab > Assets tab you can find in the upper-right corner the search engine to find your asset.
As soon as you will start typing in the name it will shorten the list of assets until you find the one you are looking for.
How to remove an Asset
In order to remove an asset, position yourself on the asset you would like to edit and click on the 3 dots at the end of it.
Once you click on Remove, it will open up a pop-up window asking if you are sure you wish to remove the asset.
NOTE!!! If you are sure you want to remove it, click on REMOVE again and the asset will be permanently deleted from the system.
Click CANCEL if you wish for the asset to stay.
TIP! Make sure you no longer have this asset and it is decommissioned and there are no tasks assigned to it yet, as this action is irreversible and it may affect the tasks connected to it!
Asset Details
Once you have an asset setup, you can add different data attached to it simply by clicking on the item. This will open up the asset details page.
Asset Details:
- Details tab - holds the Reference, Name, Creation Time, Update Time, and Category of the Asset (and any other custom data that was setup)
- Files tab - here you can upload files or create folders for files connected to the asset - for example here you can store documents related to the amortization of the asset or the vehicles book/guarantee and so on
- Notes - here you can store notes related to the asset. All you need to do is click on WRITE NEW NOTE and enter the data you wish to store. These notes can be shared with different departments inside the company
- To-do - here you can create tasks, for different people using Archdesk, in regards to the specific asset - for example, you want Anna, from Accounting, to calculate and tell you what is the amortization yearly rate for the Black VW Van, you can CREATE NEW TASK for her and she will be notified in the system
- Forms - allows you to submit the form under this specific asset. Forms must be pre-defined in the system by Implementation Consultants.
- Calendar - allows you to assign the asset to a task inside a Project and even assign a certain Employee to use that asset - for example, you can choose to take the Black VW Van and assign it to John Smith, your employee, to go deliver the materials needed for the Project XYZ
- Holidays & Availability - you can define Out of Service Time for the Asset by clicking the "+" in right-down corner and adding the description.
In the second tab, Availability Settings, you can define the time when the asset is available.
During adding the asset to the task, which extends beyond the scope of asset availability, you will get the notification.
Assigning an Asset to a Task
In order to assign an asset to a task inside a Project, first, position yourself inside the designated Project. Secondary, go to the Scope & Schedule > Schedule area and CREATE NEW SCHEDULE. Here you can Add Single Task and assign the asset and people to it.
Data needed:
- Title - must be entered! - it is usually the title of the task that must be done - for example, taking the materials for wall plastering for Project Housing "Celia Fork"
- Time frame - the date is interactive and you must input the time when it starts and when it finishes - info must be put in date: days, hour and up to the minute
- Contacts - here you can search from the database already set up in Archdesk, during the Implementation phase, the Employees / Contacts you would like to add for the job. As soon as you start entering letters in it will show names and the list will shorten until you find the person you are searching for
- Assets - here you can search for the asset you need from the database that you have already set up in the system
- Budget - you can set up here the Budget for the task in hand
- Cost Category - here you can select the task's financial category
- Discipline - you can set up a task's discipline
- Notes - here you can write any notes you might like connected to the task
Once all data is in, hit the SAVE button! This is how the data will look like in the Company > Assets > Hitachi Excavator > Calendar - you can also edit by clicking on the 3 dots (on red) and update the progress of the task.
NOTE!!! If you will try to book the Asset during the time frame in which the asset is already booked, the system will notify you of this but it will allow you to save the task!