Editing the Budget view
Customise your view through drag and drop
Archdesk allows you to setup your own view of the Budget by selecting which columns you wish to view and in which order.
The order of the columns can simply be changed by dragging and dropping the columns in the desired order.
The selection of the columns you wish to display on the Budget can be edited by hovering over the Budget menu > clicking on the 3 horizontal lines > selecting the small 9 squares icon > and then checking the boxes for the columns you wish to be displayed VS un-checking the box for those that you do not need in your view. Once done, in order to save the view, right-click on the table and choose Save columns state (if the view is for yourself) or Save columns state for everyone (if the view should be modified for all users).
NOTE!!! Please bear in mind that if you choose the "Save columns state for everyone" you will overwrite the setup of your team. Someone may have a specific view that they work with on a daily basis and you will overwrite it.
Custom inputs in Budget
Archdesk allows you the possibility of adding extra inputs to your Budget line items.
The Custom Budget Inputs, once setup, can be displayed under the Budget view.
For example: you may need to list for certain categories inside your Budget the Responsible Manager.
Archdesk allows you to quickly add that up as a Custom Budget Input.
In order to do that, one must have Admin rights and go to the drop-down under their name > Settings and Preferences > Projects > Project Settings - Inputs > from the drop-down please select Budget Inputs. Here you can define them by clicking on CREATE NEW BUDGET INPUT.
A new window will open up.
You will have to:
- fill in the Name
- select the Type of the input
- setup a Hint (optional)
- state if the input should be visible and editable from the interface (eg. if it could be made to be a column inside the Budget view)
- state if the input should be mandatory or not
You can always edit existing Budget input items by clicking on the pencil icon next to them.
You can also delete an existing Budget input item by clicking on the pencil icon and then selecting in the next window the red REMOVE button.
NOTE!!! Please bear in mind that if you choose the Remove option, you will permanently delete the Budget custom input along with the data saved inside it for each line item of your Budget. This action is irreversible!
The view afterwards can be ordered by drag and drop.
Custom extra columns for the Budget
Budgets are a complex tool that can be used in many different ways in Archdesk.
Archdesk allows you the flexibility of setting up custom columns in your Budget view, that would calculate sums or differences between certain columns with information already existing inside the system.
For example: on our Budget view we would like to see Remaining Budget values. The Remaining Budget Values would be equal to the Approved Budget line minus the Quotes. For that, we would have to setup a Custom Budget Input that would be setup as a Financial Input.
NOTE!!! The setup for the extra columns for the Budget can be done now only by the Implementation or by the Customer Care team via email at support@archdesk.com