First of all, in order to create a booking in Archdesk, you must have access to the Booking module. In case you do not see the "Bookings" tab in the upper menu, please reach out to
If the "Bookings" tab is available to you, then you can proceed in creating a booking by following the steps below:
- Make sure you are under "List" and click on the black CREATE NEW BOOKING button - if it is the first time ever booking or use the dark-blue button CREATE BOOKING if you already have several bookings listed there
- This will open up a pop-up window with the "Create Booking" options. Before taking this step though, you must configure your Catalog of Services, so that the list would populate here with the options you had configured
- Select the Service > You must select the Category and then the precise Service you wish to book. Once, press NEXT
- Select the Time > The system will allow you to select the day & time - from a list provided OR click on the little clock in the upper corner of the window and input your own time frame. When selecting the time you can filter after the Employees that provide this service by checking/unchecking them from the list. The time frames are color-coded according to the availability - GREEN / AMBER / RED. Once the time is selected, press NEXT
- Select the Client > The system will allow you to select the name of the client from the already existing database or it will allow you to create a new client from that window (be it individual or business). When searching for a client and adding it from the system, Archdesk will allow you to Edit the contact or Select a different client - in case of any mistakes. You can also choose the address you wish to use (bullet select). Once the client is selected, press NEXT
- Costs > Depending on how the cost of the selected Service was set up, at the Costs step you can edit details (from Quantity to Unit Price to VAT levels and even add additional lines). Once the cost is set up, press NEXT
- Confirmation - The Confirmation page allows you to review all data you have entered. If you wish to make changes, use the BACK button inside the window. If you are ok with all the details listed there, press SUBMIT - this will finalize the creation of the booking and pull up the "What to do next?" pop-up - when you will click on it you will be able to enter the Booking and view its details